

Cell to Cell communication Protocol (CTCCP/1.0)

This document deeper development IPv9’s applications “body monitors”{rfc1606}. Basis on it, we develop a protocol to let users interview the data of other’s cell(s) directly.

Kids in some country, especially China is suffering from information being peeped by their parents. Even worse, they use kids’ account to chat with others. It make kids chat with others more difficult because they are alert on being peeped.
AnIPv9 applications “body monitors” already capable to sending signal out to the device on doctor’s hand. Thanks to the brain-computer interface (BCI), we can analysis the data behind the EEG. Combined Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications(RFC 1889), now we can communicate with others by cells.

The structure of CTCCP has three layers. They are cell layer, body layer and internet layer, as shown below.

      people A
│    ├────────────┤           │
│    │ cell layer │           │
│    └───┬────────┘           │
│        │   ▲                │
│        │   │                │
│        ▼   │                │
│    ┌───────┴────┐           │
│    │ body layer ├───routing │
│    ├────────────┤           │
         ▼   │
    │internet layer│
│        ▼   │                │
│    ┌───────┴───┐            │
│    │ body layer│            │
│    └───┬───────┘            │
│        │   ▲                │
│        ▼   │                │
│    ┌───────┴───┐            │
│    │ cell layer│            │
│    ├───────────┤            │
      people B

In this protocol, the packet has two parts in it. It’s head and body.
Head include send time, packet type, sender’s IP and data md5 check number. Send time use unix timestamp (e.g. 1639199245 is 2021/12/11 13:07:25).
There are five type, they are GET, POST, START, DELETE, FORWARD. GET can request last ten packet body, POST can send a message to specific people, START can request to start a new chat, DELETE can withdraw previous message and FORWARD can forward others message to him/her.
The md5 check number only check body parts.
In IPv9’s application “body monitor”, it define every parts of body’s IP and the the monitor in every organ’s IP. Analogically, we define every IP block of individual, tissues and cell (Because we only need nervous system, so we don’t have to define organ’s IP). Now, IPv6 can give everyone an IP address. In this protocol, everyone will be given a IPv6 address, everyone can be accessed in it by this protocol. When a access request come in, the main body routing will use broadcast to find if any tissues are free to process. If there is any tissues was free, main body routing will forwarding the packet to it, then give a port to allowed others access this tissues directly.
After tissues finish process the message, it will delivery to the cell then trans to EEG and let human can read.
In the same way, EEG can be trans to message, as same as receive, cell can delivery message to tissues, trans to packet, then ask for a port, delivery it to the receiver.
As is shown in:

   ^   |
   |   |
   |   |
   |   v
   | packet
   |   |
   |   v
main body routing
    ^   | |  ^ |  boardcast         ---->
    |   | |  | +---------->  tissues     cells
    |   | |  | I'm free!+IP  | ^ ^ | <----
    |   | |  +---------------+ | | |
    |   | |       packet       | | |
    |   | +--------------------+ | |
    |   |      give a port       | |
    |   +------------------------+ |
    |       response packet        |


For security, the main challenge is DDOS attack, to prevent it, we didn’t allow the “sender’s IP” isn’t his/her own IP.
